Prescription slimming pills – the only solution?
Until recent times the only medicines in the UK licensed for the treatment of obesity were sibutramine (the most known trademark Meridia) and orlistat (known under trademark Xenical). Orlistat struggles extra weight by reducing the absorption of the fat we consume with meals. Sibutramine suppresses our appetite by increasing the feeling of fullness, which is achieved by boosting serotonin levels, the chemical produced naturally in our body.
These medications have been clinically proven to help reduce excess weight, but they are prescription weight loss pills and can be prescribed by doctors only in case of obesity and resulting health problems, such as increased blood pressure, heart problems and so on. The effect of these medications increases when they are combined with dieting and exercises.
For most of the over-the-counter slimming pills that are sold in the health shops there’s usually little evidence of guaranteed weight loss. Clinical studies may also be held for over-the-counter slimming pills, but the research evidence is usually occasional, as those studies aren’t repeated. Some of over-the-counter slimming pills provide us with insufficient data on components used and the principles of pills’ work.
Slimming pills that promise you fast and steady weight loss without changing your eating habits won’t probably work as they claimed. Eating as we always do and taking slimming pills may hardly bring us satisfactory results, as compared to combining natural weight loss pills and healthy dieting, which is always the shortest way to real weight loss progress. Basically it’s not up to slimming pills itself how much weigh loss progress we are going to make, it’s always the matter of changing the whole our lifestyle.
Some slimming pills are likely to be harmful in case you have certain health conditions or taking other medication. Depending on the components, some slimming pills may interfere with prescribed medication, which is not good for our health also.
In February 2007 brand new slimming pill was released – Proactol fat binder. This is the first natural slimming pill:
- Licensed for the treatment of obesity and weight management
- Clinically proven to help people lose weight
- Research evidence backed by numerous clinical studies
- Available without prescription
- Containing safe organic patented components